MBC Audio Book Chapter 2 (What is a Healthy Mind?)
Move, Breathe, Create Audiobook
A healthy mind is free of stress, judgement, and negative emotions. It is full of gratitude, love, and joy. It can stay in the present moment, and cast a clear vision of the future. Mental health still has stigmas attached to it. Our modern lifestyles are not conducive to clear brains. Mindfulness and mental health is a very large, neglected, and misunderstood worm hole. The intention of this book is to make you more aware of your stress levels, how you can affect them, and to clean up your diet of information. Of the 60,000-70,000 thoughts we have each day, only 5% of those are conscious thoughts. We are literally wired to our past, routines, and limiting patterns of thoughts. Our mind set is really only as good as our systems and our information. I would argue that our diet of information is just as important to how we choose to nourish our bodies. A healthy mind is learning, open, and free of judgement. It needs reflection, daydreaming, and actual rest.
Stress is the #1 thing that throws off a healthy mind. Past trauma and self-limiting patterns bring us back to our lowest moments. The inner critic and ego encourage us to play small. It’s so much easier to say it is what is, and accept our circumstances. I despise this saying and what I believe is unhealthy thought. There is no ownership in it. Sure we need to be accepting of things. It is what it is, but, as my father would say,“it ain't what it ain’t.” A healthy mind focuses on what it can control and is free of worry. A healthy mind is also in sync with a healthy heart.
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