MBC Audio Book Chapter 5 (Are you SMART enough)
Move, Breathe, Create Audiobook
Isn’t it amazing when we focus on where we are going instead of where we have been? To stand up and declare what we want out of our life. Our why is the motivation to capture the present moment with purpose. You are already on your way and you’ve only just begun. I’ve used the word intent or intention several times. To me, that means being deliberate on moving forward. Every decision has an opportunity cost. It moves us closer or further away from what we want. We don't have to win every time, but our W’s need to outweigh our losses. Creating more W’s is easy when we are deliberate in making the decision. When we are resolute, have tracking metrics, end dates, and a desired outcome we complete the loop of success. You must see it before you believe it. You must believe it before you achieve it. Then you have to be SMART enough to reverse engineer it into habits, a process, a lifestyle of your ideal operating system.
Specific- A clearly defined outcome
Measurable- metrics to show results
Attainable- is this goal realistic?
Relevant- Is this goal relevant to my values and lifestyle?
Time Relevant- a clear end date that is tied to being attainable.
Up Next in Move, Breathe, Create Audiobook
MBC Audio Book Chapter 6 (Who Are You?)
Do any of these sound like you or someone you know? Move, Breathe, Create to improve your performance, energy, mood, and many other health factors. MBC will look different every day and can be applied to any situation.
MBC Audio Book Chapter 7 (Modern Prob...
Do any of these sound like you or someone you know? Move, Breathe, Create to improve your performance, energy, mood, and many other health factors. MBC will look different every day and can be applied to any situation.
MBC Audio Book Chapter 8 (Ideal Appli...
Habits are hardwired unconscious behaviors and actions that work best when strung together. The habit of MBC is designed to help you form the habit of working on your mind, body, and spirit every day. This will lead to compounding health benefits physically, mentally, and emotionally. You will b...