Day 13 HRV & Breath
Find Your Breath
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the distance between two of your heartbeats. Your HRV is the readiness of your central nervous system and body to take on strain.
Breath is critical to your HRV. The manner in which you coherently breathe directly impacts your HRV.
With that in mind, your HRV is unique to you. The goal is a higher HRV number in relation to your baseline. Even as healthy as I am, my HRV is between 40 and 50ms. That's average, but my physiology says I'm ready to go if I rest in this range or exceed it.
Using wearable devices, such as a Whoop band or Oura ring, will help you track your HRV. It's important to know you HRV because this should inform your level of strain for the day. If you HRV is below the baseline, then don't take on too much strain. If your HRV is baseline or abov, put in the extra work or strain because your system can handle it and this is how you grow/improve.
Our physical health and mental health are linked. When you feel a shift, perhaps during the day, this is where you incorporate your breath to keep you going. If you incorporate 5-10 minutes of coherent breathing, you can align your head and heart.
The effects of coherent breath lasts about 4 hours. Set yourself up in the morning with your breath practice. When you feel the low energy, lack of concentration around midday, slip in some coherent breathing and movement to reset the clock.
The more you work within your HRV zones, the better your overall health will be.
Let your heart be your guide. Find your breath.
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