Day 25 Bumble Bee Breath
Find Your Breath
Bumble Bee Breath is one of my favorite down regulation breaths because it's PLAY-full! This technique is like having your parasympathetic response (opposite of fight or flight) on tap!
The buzz of the bumble bee breath stimulates triggers the vagal tone, stimulating the vagus nerve, which is THE nerve of the nervous system. This buzz stimulates your system the same way chants and mantras in spiritual practices do.
It's all about the buzz and how slowly and long can you keep it going. It's truly that simple. Even when your buzz comes to an end, there's about another 5-10 seconds of exhale to go. You are training your breath to pull the navel up and in so you can learn to fully empty your lungs.
Great breath for kids and nay-sayers because the buzz is fun and the results are immediate.
Find your buzz.
Up Next in Find Your Breath
Day 26 Breath of the Wild
Breath of the Wild is all about awareness. We evolved with a connection to nature, but in our modern world it's easy for the connection to fade.
Breath of the Wild is about your awareness of nature, the sights, sounds, tastes, sensations on your skin and in your lungs... full awareness. Your bre...
Day 27 The Watcher
The watcher is a mindfulness technique to learn to observe the breath and dismiss our thoughts. Its awareness around our relationship with our ego.
day 28 fire breath